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My cat Teddy Bear


My cat Teddy Bear died suddenly without any warning. She wasn't yet 2, yet after bringing her in one night, only to wake the next morning to find her by the backdoor, almost like she was sunbathing as I origionally thought she was, But she had died. Its been over a year now & i miss her like crazy & cannot understand why or how this happened.

in these sorts of cases where a death of a pet is unexpected and unusual i would also recommend that the owner has an autopsy done just to find out the real cause of death, so that you can put your mind at rest. It may have been natural causes ie a weak heart. Or it could have been that the cat ate something toxic.
However this is obviously not an option for you know. All i can say is that you must try to put this out of your mind. Worrying won't bring your cat back, you must concentrate on the future. It may even help you to offer your services to help animal charity with their work to give you a sense of helping other cats. It can be a great feeling and a very positive move forward for yourself.

take care