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Hairless patches


Hi, Thank you for taking the time to read my question. My cat (1 yr old) has recently developed hairless patches in her fur from itching and licking. We have put her on sensitive skin food and the vet has treated her with different types of antibiotics and anti itch medications, but nothing has worked. Have you seen anything like this? My newest idea is that she could be allergic to her silica litter. She is eating and playing fine. She has a  brother the same age that has no medical issues.

Hello Kris,
To me this sounds like an allergy problem most likely. If you believe silica gel litter might be the cause of this reaction, then I would go with your gut and switch to clay litter for a while and see if there are any changes. However, fleas, mites, and ringworm are all parasites that could cause similar symptoms. If your cat is allergic to fleas, one flea bite could cause a reaction that takes a long time to go away. Mites are extremely common in every household, and can cause mange in animals. Mange will cause cats to lick and pull at their hair and eventually, small patches of fur will be missing. Ringworms, although less common, also cause hair loss in patches and leave behind a dull, grayish, and flaky patch of skin.

There are other allergies, like as you mentioned before, the cat litter. Food allergies are common, and sometimes foods that cats have eaten for a long time can eventually affect their body negatively. These allergies can leave hairless patches.

Although it does not sound like anything as serious as a disease, I think the best course of action is to change her litter to clay, and call the vet to see if they would be able to take samples of the hairless areas on her body.

There are many things that could be causing this loss of hair, but hopefully by narrowing down the possibilities bit by bit, you can come up with a solution. I had a similar problem with one of my dogs, and it took us several months to find out what allergy is was and the best solution to treat it. Best of luck, and I hope your cat recovers soon.