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Litter box behavior

20 16:44:09

We have a new male kitten that is having problems with his bowels.  The vetrinarian thinks that the cat has giardia and has prescribed medication.  Our problem is one that we are not sure will be cleared up by the medication.  When the cat uses the litter box, he will spin in circles repeatedly trying to cover up his feces.  This results in the loose stool being spread around the litter box and messy litter becoming attached to the cat.  He does the same thing when he urinates, with the same result.  It is almost as if we have a cat with OCD.  He has to be soooooo sure that what he has left in the litter is covered that he'll spend 3 or 4 minutes just trying to cover it up (but actually just spreading it around and smearing it onto his body).
Do you have any ideas on how to stop this behavior?
Thank you!

If you see him doing it, just remove him from the litter box and distract him with a toy.  He is a kitten, and sometimes kittens are obsessive.  He will grow out of it eventually.  I don't think you can stop it until he is ready to give it up.  Just keep close watch on him, and maybe if you take him out of there often enough, he will get the hint.  Good luck, Barb