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Pregnant Bangle Concerns


Hi Teresa,  My mother has been trying to breed Bangles for the last year and half.  Finally one female cat is pregnant and should be delivering anytime now.  For the last couple of days Sasha seemed to be nesting, her nipples are full and dripping milk out on occasion, has bloody vaginal discharge and has had what looked like her water breaking with clear non odor fluid on towel.  It does not look to me that she has more than a couple kittens her stomach is almost flabby (other than her very knotty nipples).  My mothers concern is that she possibly has absorbed the kittens or aborted them.  Should her nipples be this full prior to delivery?  How long should she be in active labor with no results.  There is no other visible problems of pain or suffering.  Just confused as to why this is being stalled.  My cat has just also had her first litter.  Day of delivery was fine then few hours later had kittens. Nothing like Sasha is experiencing.

hi Kim, thanks for the question. The cat should not be in active pushing labour for more than an hour ! If she is passing bloody discharge I would suggest you get her checked. It is possible her labour is not progressing properly or she may have a kitten dead or stuck or both.
I would encourage your mom to take her to the vet for a check up. Is she breeding Bengals? I have never heard of Bangles.