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Socializing cats


Hello! My situation is unique. I recently moved back home with my parents along with my cat and my dog. My parents have had a cat for almost ten years, he has never been around other animals and is completely unsocialized. He is afraid of everyone...including his own shadow!! I moved home around Thanksgiving of 2007 and since then A.J., my parents cat has lived in their room. His food and his litter are in their room. My cat and dog roam the house while A.J. is trapped in the bedroom. We have tried everything. A.J. will NOT come out of the bedroom. He fights with both of the other animals - growls, hisses and in general a very ticked off cat. Is there anything we can do? Please help me, my parents are sick of the litter in their room and basically I'm sick of having to clean the litter every night! Mostly I just want them all to get along and A.J. to come out of hiding. Thank you so much for time.


There is not much you can do.  It may be that AJ needs to be in a pet home with no other animals.  

One other possibility is to try to leave the door open and let them growl and hiss all they want.  None of the animals are going to hurt each other.  As to people, the best thing to do is to ignore AJ. At age 10 it will be difficult to socialize AJ, but it may happen over time.

I really do not know what else to suggest!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.