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when to let cat out?


I have just got a male 1/2 yr old neuter cat from my local rescue Centre, they advised keeping him in for 4 to 6 weeks.  Preston has settled down very well, can I let him out, had him 10 days now. He wants to go out and spends all his time following me making it difficult to get out of my door.
Thanks Graham, Hull, England

Hello Graham and congratulations on adopting Preston!  

Since your boy is still "young" he will need at least 4-6 weeks to learn his territory.  Yes, he may beg and plead to be let out, but a stern NO helps, as well as making a loud noise (clapping your hands, kicking the door, etc...), to shush him away from the door.

I'm happy to hear he is settling down with you very well, but the reason he can not go out right now, is he may run which would make you feel even worse than NOT letting him out : -)

Give him the 4-6 weeks he needs to become totally familiar with your scent, your homes smells then begin by giving him a very short supervised visit to the outside (I highly recommend a harness and leash).  By using a harness and lease - yes your cat will get used to it especially if you begin putting it on him for a few minutes each day inside and teaching him to go about inside with it.  Then Preston will look forward to seeing the harness and leash knowing it will be his time to go out if he wears it!  Then each day you may want to add a few more minutes to this routine until he knows what time he will be allowed out, and when he must be back inside (when you go to work, or off some place).  

Here in the US, rescue groups recommend adopted cats never be let out again - this in their contracts - not that everyone follows it, but it is for the animals safety as indoor cats live longer, healthier lives than cats who can pick up some serious FIV/FIVL diseases from being outdoors at all.  Beside the fleas, ticks and other pests.

Thank YOU for rescuing Preston and do feel free to let me know how you two are doing ok?
