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my angora kitten is always hiding behind the sofa and wont interact with the family


How long have you had the kitten?

Does the kitten come out to eat, drink, and use the litter pan?

What I would do is to have everyone in the family ignore the kitten!!!!!  Do not approach the kitten!!!!  Make pretend the kitten does not exist!!!!  Normally kittens want to be friendly and, eventually, they cannot stand being ignored.  If the kitten comes out and approaches a family member, then, and only then, should the family member pet the kitten, but do not pick it up!!!!!

In time, the kitten should come around and begin to interact more.  Remember the kitten is in a new place, with new people, and is rather daunted by the whole thing.  If the kitten feels that interacting with the family is its idea, it is more prone to be social.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.