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she gave birth again


QUESTION: My cat gave birth 2nights ago and had 2 kittens but they both died the next day.2 days since she gave birth she looks pregnant still her sided are still swallen.Before she gave birth she was big and i didn't think she was going to have 2 that died.Can she still be pregnant and maybe the 2 that died were premmie?I don't have money to see a vet.

ANSWER: Hi Kym.  Yes, it's possible for cats to deliver some kittens prematurely and go on to carry the rest of the litter to full term.  Unfortunately, it's more common that there is a problem with the pregnancy when a cat delivers two kittens and does not deliver the rest of the litter at the same time.  Without a vet to examine her, only time will tell what the case is.  Sadly, if there is a problem with the delivery and she is not able to deliver any kittens that are remaining, she will die.  There is no way to help a kitty deliver kittens at home, and only a vet can induce labor or remove the kittens surgically if mom cannot deliver them naturally.  Cats only have a matter of a day or two before their lives are in danger because of undelivered kittens.  If you can find any vets who will work out a payment plan for you, I think the cost would be well worth finding out if your kitty is safe for now.

Best of luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thankyou Jessica i have another question she gave birth on saturday to 2 kittens they died the next day its Tuesday now and she gave birth again to 2 more and there perfect.(Cheeky)the mother cat came out to have a feed and i picked her up and kissed her but found some blood on my  shirt and drops on the kitchen floor is this normal?also i picked her up before and she was good after she was fed i went to hugg her and she hissed at me .I'm worried about this blood they bleed after they give birth red blood.size of 5 cent piece and i checked her butt and saw small amount of bleeding.she would have given birth in the morning and its evening now do they bleed.There is no blood where her babies are just when i picked her up and she was feeding,her poo was normal.please help me Jessica

Hi there, glad to hear things seem to be going well now.  It is normal for there to be some bloody discharge after the delivery, and it can continue for a couple of days.  Often, there won't be so much discharge in the bedding, as mom is lying down, and the blood is pooling inside the birth canal.  But when mom stands up and takes a walk, squats in her litter tray, or if you pick her up, this is a time when much of the blood that has collected will all drain out.  It seems like she is suddenly bleeding quite a bit, but really, it's all the blood that has been slowly building up throughout the day.  As the next couple days go by, the blood will really begin clotting, and the discharge should be less and less noticeable.  It will darken in color, and you may notice it will become thicker in consistency.

However, if your kitty seems like she's bleeding a lot even when she's lying down, if the bleeding continues even after a couple more days, or if the she develops a copious, thick brown discharge or foul odor, these are all signs of trouble, and a vet should be consulted.