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20 16:46:02

Hi Amie, I found a can that looks about 7 months old. I couldn't leave her on the street so I did the obvious and brought her home. I have 2 other cats about 3 yrs of age. How do I introduce them without anyone getting hurt. I going to take the new cat,Tia, to the vet today to make sure she's not carring anything that could harm my cats.
I await for your answer before I do anything.  Thank you for your help!!!


 The best to introduce a new cat. Is to get your other to cats in the same room with you and the new cat. Just sit with them all and let them smell the new cat. Always stay with them. Dont leave them on there own. If one of your cats do bite the new one, then make sure u give that cat a smack on the nose. They need to no that this new cat is going to be part of the family.

So just sit with them, keep telling them to be nice. Let them smell each other. Do this for as long as you can and everyday. They will soon get to know each other.

I hope this has helped. It was very nice of you to give this new cat a home. If you need any help with anyting just let me know.

                from amie