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cat meows in middle of night


Elderly female cat we've had for 10 years has started meowing in middle of night and will not stop, she is deaf and nothing has changed in our home, we ignore her but she keeps it up for 10-15 minutes, stops and starts again, vet said she is healthy, just old (about 13) and deaf.  She was neutered when she was about a year old, as far as I know she never had a litter. She sleeps all day while we are out and stays up all night, jumps on us and meows very loud.


Your kitty may have age related dementia, in other words kitty Alzheimer's. She may be searching for you because she can't quite remember where she put you. It is also possible that she has forgotten who or what she is supposed to be looking for you. I don't believe that she is doing this to intentionally annoy you. I think that you should have her see the vet just to be sure that nothing worse than senility is the issue, she may be more vocal because she is painful for instance. I would also suggest leaving a night light on in each room and see if that makes a difference, she may be lost and trying to find her way about in the dark, which can be another common issue with elderly pets and people. I hope that this offers some insight. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.