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Male and Female former breeding cats


I have two bengal cats that were formerly a stud and queen for a local breeder, and who have had two litters together. We bought the male a couple of months ago and then yesterday brought home the female who was just recently (one week ago) spayed. The female is right at home already but the male is acting very differently than he has over the past two months. He won't let the female out of his sight, follows her around and chatters to her. He has been acting as if he wants to breed with her again. Will he stop this behaviour in the near future and go back to being our pet, or should we return the female to keep him from being so agitated?  We wanted to give him some company and thought that having someone he knew and really liked in the past would be extra good for him. Now we aren't so sure! What do you think?


Is the male Bengal neutered?  If not, have him neutered immediately and the behavior should dissipate within a couple of weeks.

If the Bengal is neutered, give them a few weeks to get used to each other and things should settle down.

If not, please get back to me and we can explore other options.

Best regards... Norm.