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Missing cats


We have these two male cats one day one of them did not come home the next day the other did the something. It has been about 3 to 4 days now no sign of them. Could they have went to find a female? we have females too do you think they found each other on the way?. What is the chance they will show up back home? we miss them so much I cry all the time one of them is a big tiger the other is black and white. What can I do to find them? I have post lost signs around our little town and walked the woods nothing. Why do they stray when their is other females that live at the same house? both cat's are happy and healthy and very well loved just like the others and spoiled why stray away? Does a happy cat stray? and why? what are the chances they will come home? they are not spayed but when they do come home they will be please help cry cry cry thank you.

the only real answer is to get them spayed. They will continue to stray other wise. It would be much kinder to have them neutered as the cats will feel less frustrated and feel the need to go off looking for females and adding to the kitten population. They may even get hurt on their travels which is something you will not want to happen.

I'm sure the cats will return once they have sown their wild oats , keep calling them and leaving food out side for them.
