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red spots


My cat has red spots on his skin where the hair comes out if he scratches, but the spots of red skin that feel like scabs and lumps you can feel them through his fur also when you look at these lumps it looks like dried blood but no cuts or scratches, i noticed it a few days ago and since then its just got worse  -  im trying to get him taken to the vet.  Thank you


He could have fleas, or flea dermatitis which is where he is allergic to the saliva of fleas. And it could be only one flea on him to react like that.

It could be a nervous reaction, or an allergic reaction to something.

A trip to the vet is the best bet because it could be a number of things....and that needs a physical examination to find out which one it is. Since I am not a vet nor can I look at the cat I can't give you any more of a definite answer, only some possibilities.
