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My cat, Spots


QUESTION: Hi. My cat Spots is a wonderful cat. I never really thought about her breed until I watched Cats 101 on Animal Planet. I've done as much research as possible, but found nothing. Can you help me out? She is white with gray spots and has green eyes. She also has a grey tail with rings on it like a raccoon's.
         Thank You,

ANSWER: TobianoGirl,

Do you have a picture?

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes. I have a great picture of her.


I do not see any tabby markings in the blue "spots", so he appears to be a blue and white domestic medium hair. His hair is neither short nor long. The white is due to a gene called the "piebald white spotting" gene and it has very variable effects. The cat can have one white toe or whisker up to being completely white and everything in between. This gene is throughout the feral population.

Best regards... Norm.