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Long time to deliver


My cat went into labor today she had her first kitten about 4.5 hours ago.. I know there is more , but nothing yet , no bad odors , she caring very well for the kitten, licking , cleaning , nursing , she cleaned up very nicely from the first kitten , this is her first litter , she got up to eat , drink ... why is it taking so long for the other kittens ? Everything i read says 30-60 min. between kittens.

Hi Becky, well first I would ask. Are you sure there are more kittens? Many cats only have one kitten, especially with their first litter.
If you are sure she has more then it can take up to 10-12 hours between kittens but I would not wait any longer than 12 hours to get her checked by a vet and get an xray done.