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8 Month Old Cat


I just adopted two 8 month old cats. They act completely normal except one of them I was told has neurological problems. I'm rather unsure to what this means and if it's a huge issue. He walks with his feet higher and seems to not have as great of balance as the other. When he eats he paws the floor and moves his head a little weird. Should I be worried or is this just how he is? The previous owner said it was fine, but I don't know if she knows for sure because he is so young. If you can't answer that's fine. You did say you couldnt' answer 'veterinary questions' and I'm hoping this one isn't too hard. Thank you!

Hi Anna,

Congratulations, you have a unique cat.  Most people only want the perfect ones but I like those that have something a little different about them.  Neurological problems can come from all different sources.  He may have been born brain damaged or he may have been very sick at one time and a high fever or even the medication treating him could have caused it.  At any rate he probably isn't going to get any worse than he is right now and you can enjoy his uniqueness.  We have one cat, Cody, who had a stroke and the only evidence of brain damage is that when she's hungry she starts walking in circles.  Around the room, around the coffee table, on the coffee table!  Its cute for a while and then we have to tell her to stop!  The only thing you should be on the look out for is signs of seizure activity, in which case the kitty suddenly   falls on its belly or side, sometimes the pupils dilate (enlarge) and they can lose control of their bladder and bowels.  You want to keep your hands away from their mouth at this point because they start to gnash their teeth and if your finger is there it will get bitten.  This would last for only about 5 seconds and your kitty will be a little disoriented right after and probably yowl; do what you can to comfort him.  This is a worst case scenario of course but you should be aware of the possibility.  You should definitely get a baseline check up by your vet so he will be acquainted with your case, he might even want to give you some kind of medication to prevent seizures.