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questions about my cats:


Hi Mrs. Martin I am so happy to know that you have a wide range of knowledge when it comes to cats.  I have 4, a calico (domestic), Turkish Angora, Persian, and a very petite Maine coon, the Persian is the only male (LOL).  All of the girls are on adult (Canin dry food) but they all prefer to eat the Canin dry Persian kitten food that i feed my little boy so I wonder if this is ok.  Also, my Maine coon )before she drinks water) starts scratching in front of her bowl do you know what this means,and finally, what are their whiskers used for what it their purpose.  Thanks so much.

Hi Lolita,

First, it's not okay for your adults to eat kitten food.  Kitten food contains a much higher protein content which kittens need, however it will cause nutritional problems and can contribute to obesity in adults.

Scratching in front of the bowl indicates that the water isn't fresh enough.  Once water has been sitting out for over 30 minutes or so, it rapidly becomes deoxygenated.  I highly recommend either an automatic waterer with a built-in charcoal filter as this provides the freshest, cleanest water.  The fountain spout continues to keep the water oxygenated.  If you're not willing to purchase one, but a large dog-size stainless steel water bowl.  Properties in stainless steel keep the water oxygenated much longer, as well as stainless steel can be properly sanitized to prevent bacterial growth.  You should always clean water bowls at least twice a week, if not more.

Whiskers are used as feelers to detect movement/vibrations in the air, and also to gauge how close something is to their face.  I hope this helps; have a wonderful day.  And if you haven't seen my previous articles, I highly recommend you read these:  You may think Canin is a great food, but most don't know of the dangers commercial diets possess.  Happy reading!

What's Really in Pet Food?

Gluten and Toxins in Pet Food

The Dangers of Commercial Pet Food

Holistic Pet Foods and Natural Pet Products

Best regards,