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Bengel kitten and strange eating habits


I have a Bengel kitten, she is only a few months old. She likes to eat canned cat food but prefers canned cat foods with fish in them and doesn't like dry food so I feed her chicken necks.

She also likes to eat Almonds, Sun-dried tomato's, Pineapple,Onion,Berry yogurt and Nectarines. I'm always finding something random that she likes. I was just wondering is that normal for Bengels? and will these foods harm her? Should I not feed her these foods?

Hi Lesley.  My Bengals are not very adventurous when it comes to food at all, and it doesn't seem to be characteristic of the breed.  But many cats will be as open to new tastes and textures as you encourage them to be.  Because you are exposing her to these foods at a young age, she is accepting them and will be more likely to enjoy a wide variety of foods as an adult that most other Bengals (or cats in general) would not.  

These foods are fine for her to nibble on as treats, all except for ONIONS.  These are extremely toxic to cats.  They destroy red blood cells, and consuming just a small amount of of onions can lead to the death of a cat over the course of days to weeks.  I would urge you to have your kitty checked out since she has had some onions.  Blood work may be recommended to determine if there are any changes in her blood consistent with the condition, called Heinz Body Anemia.  Quick treatment with IV fluid therapy and vitamins can help save her life in case she is suffering any problems.

Besides this, just be sure she doesn't chew on raw nectarine or almond pits, as these contain cyanide.  Also, be sure to stay away from grapes and raisins, which cause kidney failure.  Finally, all treats should not amount to more than 10% of her total diet.  I encourage a few bites of broccoli, peas, melon, yogurt, peanut butter, aged cheeses, and fresh meats, etc., but you should always run a quick search to be sure anything you feed your kitty isn't toxic prior to feeding them to her.

Best wishes!
