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is there a way to tell?


QUESTION: last night my cat got outside she is an indoor cat , in heat and never been breed is there any way to tell if a male cat got her? i looked her over very well when she came back in !

ANSWER: Domonique,

By now it is too late to tell much.  You can consult your vet for a "morning after " pill, but I suspect it is tooo late for that.  If she is pregnant, her nipples should get larger, pinker, and protrude after 21 days.  Watch carefully, as this phenomenon only lsts a couple of days.

How old is she?  Whyis she not spayed?

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: shes about 10 or 11 months we just got her from a frend and she went into heat as we got her! what would i have been able to notice by looking at her female parts right after?  


You cannot really tell by looking at her back end.  However, if you look at the scruff of her neck and it looks and smells like it has been chewed on by the male, then that is a pretty sure sign there was breeding activity.  The male grasps the female by the scruff of the neck in his teeth in order to hold her down and get some leverage to do the breeding. The female often remains in season a few days after the breeding is completed.

I hope this explains how you can tell right after you think the breeding has taken place.  Otherwise, as I said before, you have to wait 21 days to have a better chance to tell if she was bred and conceived.

Best regards... Norm.