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Male Kitten-Delicate Question


Good Morning~ I have a neutered male kitten (DLH) that is five months old.  I have had him since he was 10 weeks.  He is developing an odd behavior...he is "nursing" on his penis.  He purrs and kneads when he does this.  It happens only when he's tired and getting ready to retire...especially at night.  He was the last one to stop nursing in his little. This seems to be more about comfort than sexually you know?  But I am concerned that he could injury himself.  Is this a harmless enough "habit" or should I be doing something to stop him.  If so, what?  

He is a very sweet and social guy, eats well and doesn't appear to have any other problems but this.

I just don't know how "normal" this is and if I need to be concerned and if this is something that could possible harm him...his urinary track etc.  

Thanks a million~

Hi Cyndi,

This is and is not a normal behavior. There are cats who will suckle on a lot of different things. Yours just happens to suckle his penis. This can cause problems for him. You need to break him of this habit. You don't want him to associate you with the deterrent so you need to find something that you can use that will stop him. You can try a squirt bottle but I have found something that works a little better. Get a can of dust remover, ( the type that sprays just air like you would use on your computer keyboard). Whenever he goes to suckle himself give him a spray of air. Not full force in his face, but at him, so he feels it. Cats dislike having air blown at them. A few times of this and he should stop. Also, as he gets older this stops on it's own. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen