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balding and itchy rump area of cat


My cat is 3 1/2 yrs. and is an indoor cat who sometimes makes it outside for a brief moment against my permission. She has been itchy on her rump, hind legs, and tail and is now going bald. She is constantly biting and licking those areas. We live on the outskirts of town. We have 2 other indoor cats as well that are not showing any signs of this condition. Do you know what this could be?  

Hi Estella, Thank you for the question. I would put money on this skin condition being a flea allergy dermatitis. Your cat would only need to be bitten once by a flea and she would be very itchy for several weeks or even a month! Sometimes fleas can ride in on your shoes or pant legs and then will promptly jump off onto your poor cat. A couple of the other possibilities would be a food allergy, hormonal imbalance or dermatitis. Sometimes it is not easy to tell what caused the problem but the most important thing is to get her some relief from that terrible itchy feeling !! A trip to the vets is warranted in this case. Teresa