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Cats Eye


Friend rescued mother and 5 kittens from church yard.  Mother was spayed and given shots on Wednesday (2 days ago).  I agreed to take mother and one kitten to keep.  Noticed this morning when looking directly into mother's eyes there appears to be some kind of matter attached to outside lens (the best way I can describe is that it looks like the white squiggly stuff attached to egg yolk when you crack open an egg??).  It is in both eyes.  She is a mixed short hair.  She is a "torti" (light/dark grey with pale orange/beige).  Ever seen this?


I am not a vet, and, certainly not a veterinary ophthalmologist. However, I think I have seen what you are describing as a result of a herpes infection in the eye.  I think the vet used an antibiotic with steroids to clear up most of the problem.  

I would see your vet and find out what it really is.

Best regards... Norm.