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My cat doesnt like me


I have a kitten who is about 3 months old right now. He likes to lick my face until its raw, yet with my girlfriend he purrs with her and runs to the door when she gets home. He even sleeps with her and when it comes to me he likes to bite my feet and lick my face. When I get home he does not run to the door and always seems to run away from me, just to run right back to me to attack my feet. With my girlfriend he cuddles with her and goes to her all the time but not with me. Does this mean that the cat does not like me or when he licks my face and attacks my feet is he just playing with me?

Its tough to say why cats choose to act one way with one person and anotehr with others but one thing I can assure you, what he is doing is affection for you. If he disliked you he would just avoid you altogether all the time. You have to realize that when a cat is licking that is grooming which he would do with his littermates or parents and it is affection and bonding. The problem is that we don't have fur so when they lick us we get a rough kitty tongue on skin with no fur to protect us. But they don't know that. To them, they lick us like we pet them and its all good. The toe nibbling is also playing, but again can be bothersome. What you need to do when he licks or nibbles is maybe let him do it once, so as to not shun the affection, but before it becomes a problem just gently distract him away with other affection, like playing with a toy. Nudging him away from what you don't want and immediately substituting something else he likes will stop the problem without pushing him away from you. Do you ever give him his food? If your girlfriend always does this then that can expalin him running to her at the door. She is mom and you more a playmate. But as with all things cat-like, this can change in an instant whenever he decided to change. So don't worry, its all affection and with a little maneuver here and there you can help redirect his play and not be troubled.