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my feral kitten


Hi Jessica,
    I hope you can give me a bit of advice.  I was just given a DLH feral kitten of approx 16 weeks. She is beautiful, but scared to death of me. She hasn't eaten, drank water, or used the litter box since I got her yesterday. I am taking quietly to her,offering bits of food, water on my finger...but she just cowers..what can I do to help her?

Hi Amanda.  You are making all the right moves.  Now, it will just take time.  Many ferals will not use the litter box for a couple of days when going to a new home, but if it's been longer than this, be sure she isn't going somewhere else.  Ferals don't always understand the concept of a litter box and might go on carpets or bedding if they have access.  Although I keep my ferals in cages for the first couple of weeks so they have no access to carpets, I also have to take out their bedding for the first few days because they tend to use this to urinate on.  If you're sure she hasn't gone for a few days, she should see a vet.  Holding urine longer than 24 hours if very unhealthy, and kitties can constipate themselves if they hold it for too long.

Many consider it an impossible feat to tame a feral kitten over the age of 8 weeks.  I know from experience this is complete rubbish, and you should make some good progress hand-feeding her treats, but it will take a lot of patience.  Keep up the good work, and I believe you will be rewarded!

You could also try a flower essence to help her come along.  I like Spirit Essences, created by a widely known holistic vet and an animal behaviorist.  Their Feral Cat Rehabilitation formula would be good for her.  See to learn more and order.

Best wishes!
