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Vaccination questions for cats



We have 6 indoor cats, all over the age of 2 years old, and only 1 has had vaccines. I would like to administer them myself, because it is a headache and a half hauling them all into the vet to get a quick shot and then haul them home again, but I do have a few questions.

1) What vaccines do I need to look at administering? All the cats are fixed, and all are indoors only. About once a week we let them out on leashes to eat the grass and lounge in the sunlight.

2) Which is better, modified live or killed vaccines? How do I know which to administer intramuscularly?

3) We also have stray cats outside that I pet (which is why we decided to vaccinate the indoor cats.), and all are over the age of 6 months. Can I vaccinate them when I do the indoor cats? How would I mark them so others know that they have been vaccinated? Is it a good idea to vaccinate strays?

Many thanks, and best wishes.
Amanda Berry

P.S. If you have the same answers for dogs, I would greatly appriciate it, as we have 2 indoor dogs that go on nightly walks.  

Hi Amanda!

First, let me apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I tried to answer your question last night, but the server must have been down, as I could not get to this site in order to reply.  I work two jobs, so I am getting back to you as soon as I could,  again my apologies.

I vaccinate my cats and dogs too.  It is much cheaper and it's easy.  I get my vaccines locally at a farmer's co-op. If you have one in your town, then check it out.  Otherwise, you can order online. I have ordered online before and have had no problems. It just cost more because you have to pay for vaccines to be shipped over night. But it's still a heck of a lot cheaper than going to the vet!
Go to google search engine and type in any of these veterinary supply places and check them out.  Medi-Vet, California Veterinary Supply, Jeffers, and Valley Pets Supplies.  All of these sell vaccines.  You can check out the prices and see who has the best deal.

I don't think it really matters if you use modified or live virus.  I use the live virus.  I also like the brand Fort Dodge.  That is the brand the vets also use.  On your cats, get one that has distemper, rhino,calici and chlamydia.  If you want to vaccinate against leukemia, you can also get that.  You can get a vaccine either with all of that , or sometimes the leukemia vaccine is sold separately.  If you do the leukemia, it will cost more.  Since your cats are outside and may come into contact with other cats' urine, then I would advise you to vaccinate against leukemia, but that is up to you.  Be sure to vaccinate them every year.

YES, if the strays will let you, go ahead and vaccinate them too.  The vaccines are pretty cheap.... around $4.00 for ones without the leukemia.   It would not only protect them, but would also help protect your cats too because many of the viruses are air borne, which means your cats could contract it by breathing the air where an infected cat has been.   

On your dogs: I also recommend Fort Dodge.  You need what is called a "puppy shot" that is renewed every year.  It has distemper, lepto, corona, and parvo.

Rabies vaccines vary from state to state.  My state (TN) will not allow rabies vaccines shipped in.  I take my pets to a clinic every year that the vets hold where they will vaccinate against rabies at a reduced rate.  The supply company  usually will tell you if your state will allow shipment or not.

These vaccines are all put under the skin.  I think rabies is the only one intra-muscular, but not sure since I don't give it.   Just lift up the skin between the shoulder blades, and inject there.  Most of the vaccines come with a syringe, but be sure to check as you may need to purchase those separately.  Just read the ad very carefully for each product.  

Please let me know if I can help any more. I think I covered everything, but I will be more than happy to answer any more of your questions.

God Bless,