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resuce kitty doesnt like to poop in the litter box


I recently adopted an adult Persian/Himalayan X kitty that was thrown from a truck.  She is perfect in every way except that she will poop next to the litter box and not in it.  We have one other indoor cat (gentle and non- aggressive), two litter boxes. I try to keep the boxes as clean as possible, however like most folks, I work and cant be home to continually scoop.  Help please!  Thank you.  Pam

Hello Pam,

Firstly, congratulations on giving a safe home to this poor kitty - it's great to hear that she's doing so well.

There could be a number of reasons why she doesn't like to use the litter box.  A very common problem is that cats feel threatened by others in the same house and although you may not realise it, your other cat may be blocking this cat's access to the litter box or intimidating her while she is trying to use it - this is common in cats who are bored or who wish to display dominance.  Bear in mind that your original cat will see the boxes as his/ her territory.  As a general rule, you need one box per cat plus one extra, so it's worth investing in a third one to minimise this kind of behaviour.  This would also help with any issues that your cat may have with the box not being entirely clean while you are at work and unable to scoop - cats are very fastidious and a very slightly dirty litter box will put some cats off.

Also consider the positioning of the boxes.  Most cats do not like using boxes near to windows where they can be seen by any passing feline visitors, or those that are near to sources of noise such as a washing machine.  Putting the box too close to where the cat eats can also be a factor.  If possible, keep the boxes in quiet corners of different rooms.

If none of this is the cause, it may simply be that your cat doesn't like the type of litter you are using - it may not be what she is used to and she may not like the way it feels on her paws.  There are plenty of different types available - gravel, sand, wood-based, paper-based etc - and it may be a case of shopping around until you find something acceptable to your cat.  If you use any products to scent the litter, this may also be the problem so it would be worth stopping to see if it makes a difference.

If all of this fails, I suggest a check over at the vet's to ensure there is no medical reason for your cat's behaviour.  Some cats who experience pain when having bowel movements will avoid using the litter box as they associate the box with the pain.  However, I would stress that most problems like yours are caused by issues of access to the box, or the type of litter, rather than anything being wrong with the cat's health, so please don't panic at this stage.

Best of luck with this, and I hope that this problem sorts out soon.

Take care