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Aging cat


My cat, Franchesca, is 17 years old.  I got her from a shelter when she was 6 months.  She is 17 years old and enjoys her grooming time daily.  She missed her litter box for first time yesterday in 16 and 1/2 years.  She is strictly indoor cat and I trim her nails and bathe her.  How long do cats live?  She is beautiful orange and white.  I am more gentle with her and provide steps.  She still likes to play, just not as long.


I am sorry I did not get to this sooner, but I had some computer problems yesterday.

Most indoor cats live 12-15 years, so by any standard, she has done very well.  At age 17, she is geriatric.  

If missing the litter box has only happened once, chalk it to old age.  If it is a frequent event, now, she may have a health problem.  Once cats are over the age of 10, they should see a vet at least once a year (for a dental check up, if nothing else), so you can see if there is a medical problem which may have caused her to miss the litter pan.

You did not tell me if she was peeing or pooping when she missed.  

Even with the steps, she may be getting arthritic and may not be able to get in and out like she used to.

Please let me know what you find.

Best regards... Norm.