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I had a indoor cat that I raised from a bottle. She and I were family. Back in Dec. 2007 she got out of my house, and I did all the things I could think of (flyers,vet's,searchs,etc.) I could not find any trace of her. I keep hoping for a miracle, but I do not understand why I could not find any trace of her. It's been five months now do I need to give up?


There can be any number of reasons your cat has not shown up.  Someone else could have taken your cat in or something dire may have happened to your cat.  Usually, when cats get out they tend to stay close to their home territory.  Since cats are so good at hiding in plain sight, I would consider that she probably will not be back if it has been 5 months.

Every once in a while a miracle happens, but I would not count on that!!!!!

Sad regards... Norm.