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Feral Cat interview


  1. What is your job title/position?

  2. What are your job responsibilities?

  3.How does your position relate to my topic of how cats react to certain bird sounds?

  4. What type of education is necessary for a position of this field?

  5. Do you think scientific research is important? Why or why not?

  6. What is the symbiotic relationship between birds and cats?

  7. Are birds naturally scared of cats?

  8. Is there a certain species of bids that are preferred by cats?

ANSWER: Duane,

Due to the nasty politics of various groups out there with respect to ferals and the misinformation on ferals vs. birds on both sides of the issue, I am not going to answer these questions in this forum.

As a proponent of TNR in recent testimony before my county council, I received some interesting hate mail.  Thus, I choose not to involve myself in this topic outside of my local jurisdiction.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey I revised this, but I really need this for tommorow for my science project so can you answer this

  1. What is your job title/position?

  2. What are your job responsibilities?

  3.How does your position relate to my topic of how cats react to certain bird sounds?

  4. What type of education is necessary for a position of this field?

  5. Do you think scientific research is important? Why or why not?
6. What are cats instincts?

7. Do cats like to hunt?

8. Are cats territorial?  

OK Duane,

1.  I am an Adjunct Professor of Business for Webster University.

2.  I teach Management of various aspects of Information Technology and Applied Business Statistics

3.  I have been involved with pedigreed cats, their breeding, showing, judging and rescue for 37 years. Given my Mathematical and Information Technology backgrounds, I tend to take a scientific approach to most things, including cats. Per se, I have no grounding in particular to the relationship between birds and cats.

4.  My education includes 3 degrees in Mathematics, including a Ph. D. and an M.B.A. in management science. My practical experience is over 40 years in the field of Information Technology.

5.  Given the harangues I have read on both sides of the "bird vs. feral cat" issues, I think much scientific research needs to be done as most of the studies I have seen appear to be biased to their outcomes from the very beginning.

6.  Cats are excellent hunters and their instincts, skeletal structure, musculature, weaponry and brain development (especially sensing motion) makes them very deadly, indeed, for their size!

7.  Cats love to hunt! A well fed cat loves to hunt.  Kittens love to play hunt.  The hunting instinct is certainly well ingrained.  Noting that cats have such a keen hunting instinct and use body language to communicate with each other makes it much easier for us humans to work with them and train them.

8.  Cats are very territorial.  This is why TNR works!  The cats in a colony who have been neutered/spayed still are just as territorial (if not more so) than the whole cats.

I hope this gives you what you want.

Best regards... Norm.