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Cat Birthing


I have a 13 month old Maine Coon who is midst giving birth.
About 7 hours ago she had a stillborn (with placenta etc) It seems as if I can hear the heart beats of other kittens distinct from hers but she is no longer in labor and has been happily eating and using the litter box. She appears in no distress whatsoever and is actually purring contentedly most of the time.

Should I just give this time or put her through the additional stress of a long ride to the emergency vet on sunday morning?

At what point or what should I look for before taking that step?  

Hi Gary, if she is content and eating and purring then I certainly would not rush into anything at this point. I would give her 24 hours from the time of the first delivery before I would get too worried.. now that is only if she continues to behave like this ! If she starts getting uncomfortable, restless, crying or pacing.. and she is not in good hard labour.. then I would get her checked. Some cats do take 24 hrs between kittens.. but of course that is unusual. It is also possible she only had the one kitten in her. Keep checking for movement... Teresa