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Leonine Relief


Hello Norman, could I get your response to a very funny YouTube video I watched about our house cats' big cousin, the lion?  This lion had just eaten a meal, was laying on its back, and sending out stream of urine from its stubby penis which arched over beyond its rump to the ground.  Is that very common behavior?  Have you ever known our domesticated house cats to do such a thing?  If you want to view this, you could search for a YouTube video under terms Fat-Lazy Lion Peeing.  I'll be interested to hear from you!  Thanks.


I have never seen nor heard of a domestic cat doing this, but that does not mean it does not happen.

There is a body type, known as wide body. Breeds such as Persians, Manx, British Shorthair, Americn Shorthair often lie on theuir backs and would be most likely to do this weird trick.

You made my day with this question.

Best regards... Norm.