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Is it aggression?


I have two wonderful feline best friends, Paxton and Pandora. I got them this past May off of craigslist, and they lived in that household together as well, sort of like kitty soul mates, I guess.

Pandora is about a year and a half old and is female. She is an absolute attention hog! Sometimes I swear she's just going to go off her rocker if my hands are not on her or she's not touching me in some way, which is great most of the time because I love cuddling with her. But, I'm concerned about Paxton, my two and a half year old male cat. Because she's always seeking out my attention I'm worried that he isn't getting the attention he needs and deserves. Even when he seeks me out for attention, Pandora jumps right in and takes it from him, not because I stop paying attention to him. He just walks away.

They get along in every other way. I just don't get it. They are so cute when they cuddle together. But I can't help but wonder if I'm doing something wrong and if they are both happy.

Is this a form of aggression? What can I do to make sure that Paxton isn't feeling neglected because Pandora is always stealing his spotlight?


I would not worry about Paxton.  We have a tendency to overlay our emotions and motives on cats.  Cats do not think like we do and, frankly, we really do not understand all of their motivations!!!!!!!!!!

As long as Paxton is not showing any signs of anxiety, like overgrooming, inappetance, poor bathroom habits, etc., he is probably fine.

Cats tend to find the niches they prefer with respect to people. He just may not be as needy as Pandora seems to be.

Best regards... Norm.