Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Mother Cat **Can you answer it?**

Mother Cat **Can you answer it?**

20 16:46:46

Hi, I have a  Mother Cat named Mao-Mao, and it had 4 babies about 4 month ago, now the kittens are all grown up. When ever one of Mao-Mao's Daughters/sons come up to Her, Mao-Mao would always attack them, Not as in play fighting. And Mao-Mao would always hiss at them whenever she sees them, Can you tell me why?


This is not uncommon.  Often, in the wild, mama cats do chase their older kittens "away from the nest".  Cats are, essentially solitary animals and do not, generally appreciate the company of other cats.  If Mao-Mao is used to being the only cat, this behavior is quite easily explained by the above.  

In some cases, colonies of cats develop taking on a social hierarchy much like a pride of lions.  In these cases mostly the young males are chased off.

In some ways this all helps preserve some modicum of genetic diversity by mama not having kittens by her own sons.

I hope this helps.

Best regards... Norm.