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new litter & postnatal cat


We just had a litter today and things seem to be going well, but I would like to know when I can expect Mom Cat to want to drink. She'll eat canned food in the birthing box if I hand-feed her, but she hasn't gotten out of the box since she delivered. I've offered her water and chicken broth and she's uninterested. Will this change in time?


The mama is so concerned with the newborns, she may not eat or drink much for a couple of days.  As the newborns are more satisfied on mothers milk and tend to sleep more, she will come out of the box more.

Keep an eye on her.  If she does not start to pick up her eating or drinking, a trip to the vet may be warranted.

One question?  After they were born, did you take her to the vet for an oxytocin shot? For a long acting penicillin G shot?  The first will help clean her out, shrink the uterus, and aid milk production, the second is to prevent the kittens from developing strep.  If not, this would be a good idea.

Best regards... Norm.