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yowling at night


Hi Karen, I have a 13 year old neutered male tiger cat and a 14 year old spayed female tiger cat; the male has stared to yowl between 3 and 4am every morning now (needless to say  it wakes my wife and I and we both get up at 6 am) what is causing this new development, he does sleep most the day (must be nice!) he is otherwise a happy, healthy cat!..thank you Nick

Hi Nick,
I would suggest a visit to the vet for him. There could be a few things going on. He could be coming down with hyperthyroidism. Cats who get this can be very vocal at night. He could be having a problem with his sight. Or he could be getting a little disoriented. Heres a link that has some interesting and good info for you about taking care of your old man.

And here is one about cat nutrition.

Hopefully your vet will give him a clean bill of health. Then you just need to adjust his sleep, awake, and play time. A quick game of chase the laser tag right before bedtime might do him good.

Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen