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Adding to Lost Kitty Qs.


Hello again,

Thanks for much for your kind words and helpful recommendations. I am in the process of looking for a humane trap but I am concerned because we've had no sightings of him for almost 2 weeks now. So I am not sure where I would even put the trap given we live in an apartment complex. Any suggestions on a good location for the trap?

Thanks again!


Where did your kitty most frequently get sighted? That would be where I would start with the trap. I would also check at this point to see if he has been picked up by animal control. It may account for why he hasn't been seen. The other possibility is that he has been injured in an accident, check your local vet offices as well...Animal control in most cases also keeps records of deceased animals that they are called in to dispose of. I sincerely hope that this isn't the case, but you should be aware that it is a possibility. Good luck, please keep me posted, and do let me know if there is anything further I can do for you.