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My pregnant cat has been bleeding for almost 2 hours.What should i do?

Hi Tammy.  If your cat is full term (9 weeks), then there is no need to do anything for now unless she is bleeding very heavily.  It's likely that she's entering labor, and bloody discharge can be seen for up to 12 hours before delivery.  There is usually enough blood to stain bedding wherever they lie down, and it may be expelled in larger amounts when she uses the litter box.  However, if it seems like she's bleeding too much, if she is not due to deliver her litter yet, or if she hasn't had the kittens by morning, you should contact a vet.  If she's bleeding too much or is not due to deliver her litter, you should try to get her in for an emergency visit tonight.  

Best wishes, and good luck with the babies!
