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Cat on table


Hi!  How can I get my cat to stay off the dining room table.  It's up high and she can see out of
our sunroom windows.


Hi Sherry.  The first thing you should do if you haven't already is to get her some furniture where she can perch herself.  Cats naturally seek places off the ground.  4-5 feet high tends to be most favorable.

You could try using a squirt bottle filled with water to get her off the table when you see her.  Problem is, this will only make her stay off the table when she sees you with the squirt bottle in hand.  When you aren't in view, she's likely to get back up there.

There's a product called Sticky Paws that's one of the most effective deterrents on the market.  It's like sheets of double-sided tape that is safe for most surfaces.  Cats don't like the feel of it on their feet.  You can learn more through their site,  However, this might cause an inconvience for you while eating at the table.

Honestly, I think your best bet might be to go with an ultrasonic barrier.  The cat wears a collar with a transmitter on it, which sets off a receiver when she gets within a certain distance.  It makes an unpleasant sound too high-pitched for us to hear but low enough for the cat to hear.  Here's an example:

I don't recommend shock collars.  They're cruel and cause anxiety.  Though they are marketed as safe, I once used one on a dog, and the area where the shocking device sat became completely bald and red.  Shock collars are rarely called that.  But watch out for products which say they give the animal a "gentle correction."  That's a nice way of putting the animals get jolted with electricity.