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cats.......fur coat

20 16:44:15

HI!  It seems that my kitty cat's fur coat used to be softer.....

What could change this?

THANKS very much !!!   :)


Dear Janice,
Thank you for your inquiry.  There could be a variety of reasons why your cat's fur seems not as soft.  Could be that the softer coat was kitten coat, or that the coat is dirty.  Sometimes there are medical reasons why coat will change texture, and then there is the possibility that it is because of the diet the cat is on.  Have you changed diets recently?  Many times the cheaper foods (ONE, meow mix, etc.) have lots of fillers and other junk stuff that does the coat no good.  It is well worth the initial higher investment to change to a good food that is geared toward coat and skin issues, such as Precise or Inova cat foods.   These premium foods are a bit more expensive, but in the long run are actually more economical, as the kitty eats less and wastes less and more of the nutrition goes to the areas where it is needed. These foods can be found at better pet stores.  Good luck with your kitty!
Thanx again for your inquiry.