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My cats ear...


Okay, my cat has been going through something as of late. For some odd reason his ear suddenly started to puff up. I thought it was a minor thing and since his other ear did something like this before but just ended with a little bend in it, I didnt think anything of it. However, his ear had now puffed up like a ballon, which is something the other one did NOT do. It has completely expanded and is covering his ear. I dont know what's wrong with him nor any way I can think to help. We cant afford a vet and unfortunately we dont have any savings to pay for anything either.  

I am sorry, but this is something that I cannot fix for you over the internet! It is going to take a vet to get to the bottom of it. It could be an abscess, which would have to be lanced, or it could be some sort of a tumor, or it could even be an insert bite that he is having an allergic reaction to.

The only thing that I can think of that would be safe for you to try at home is to go to a drugstore and get some Chlortrimeton tablets -- be sure it is tablets and not coated pills. Cut one in quarters. Give him a quarter tablet, then another quarter 3-4 hours letter. If this is some sort of histamine reaction to an insect bite, this might help reduce the swelling. Note that the pills will make him a little sleepy, this is no cause for concern.

If you try this and there is no change in the swelling, you really need to call a vet. If you can pay for an office visit ($30-$50 depending on where you are) they may be willing to let you work out a payment plan for any other treatment he might need.

Hope this helps
