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Half Siamese


I recently bought a half Siamese cat which is extremely badly behaved I have had cats since i was a small child and never have I encountered such a naughty cat in my life. I have done a little research on the internet on Siamese and opinion seems to sway towards the fact that siamese cats are rather unruley is this true?.Also is it normal behavior for him to meow and wail constantly when he is not with people and to toilet wherever it suits him. Thank you for your time in answering my questions.
Mr. R Orpin

Hello.  I'm sorry to hear you're having problems!  Siamese are not generally naughty cats, but they are certainly not the breed for everyone.  They are perhaps the most intelligent of all breeds, which can cause them to get into trouble if there's not enough mental stimulation for them.  They also are rather demanding when it comes to attention, which is wonderful for a person who is able to sit with them for hours but can be a problem for people who tend to be busy.

It's normal for a Siamese to be very talkative, and yes, it will often intensify when the cat is separated from people.  That's because Siamese form extremely close bonds with their people, and being separated from them can be stressful.  In recent years, it's been shown that Siamese may be prone to anxiety problems, especially separation anxiety.  Cats suffering from separation anxiety may start scratching property, yowling loudly, constantly, and defecating or urinating outside the box is also very common when they are separated from people.

I think it may be beneficial to adopt another kitty to keep this one some company, to provide mental stimulation so that he won't be prone to boredom and also to provide him with some company while you are not able to dedicate  yourself to him.  If you do go this way, I'd suggest to search for a cat that's outgoing and that resembles your cat physically.  Meek cats are likely to be bullied by Siamese.  And those with long hair, wide eyes and short ears, like the Persian, may appear fearful to a sleek, slender Siamese, since fluffed up fur, wideneded eyes and ears held back are signs of fear.  Siamese can have a wicked sense of humor and prey on cats who appear to be afraid.

Either way, I would recommend consulting a vet or animal behaviorist.  When anxiety gets bad enough that overvocalization and litter box problems arise, it may be time to consider medicinal treatment or behavior modification techniques.