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please i need your help


my cat just delivered 4 kittens one of them is really small in size compared to the others and since the first day it didn't feed as its siblings so i started to feed her myself during the third day i discovered the the kitten has cleft lip and palate thats why it didn't feed from its mom do i keep feeding it or do i just leave it to see if it will survive on its own please  i need your help as soon as possible


I would recommend packing mom and kittens up and taking them to your veterinarian. The vet may be able to show you how to tube feed the kitten until the little one is old enough to have his palate repaired or the recommendation may be to humanely euthanize the little kitten depending on the severity of the defect in his palate. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again - I'll be more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
