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Hello again..


Teresa, thank you so much for the encouragement. It made me feel a bit better to be reminded that some things are, by Nature, meant to be. My heart is still breaking from the loss, but at least I'm not sobbing today :) Now, on to my little boy, who has been named "Titus". Once again, when picked up at the vet yesterday, we were told "He's doing just fine".  They did sell us a can on KMR, and said they didn't encourage people with such small kittens to purchase because it is only good for 72 hours after opening & it is very expensive. I'm not sure what the exact charge was, as my boyfriend picked him up and the total bill was $34.00 Well, Titus is eating like he's starved; we're feeding him every 2 1/2 - 3 hours, aprx 8 mls each feeding. After two feedings of KMR last evening, he had a somewhat normal bowel movemet; mustard-like color & and a bit runny, but not "dripping". After his 1st feeding this morning at 5:30 a.m., I noticed a dark brown/red fluid dripping from him, but not enough to tell if it's urine or diarrhea...My mother just called after feeding him again & it's the same thing. Beyond that, he does seem to be strong & healthy.  Unfortunately, I have ZERO faith in the local vet, and live in a rural area that has no close alternative, or after-hours type facility. Any thoughts on what could be going on?  One thing I've come away with from this experience - I could NOT be a vet or breeder; I worry about this all the time & I could not bear to watch animals pass on a regular basis.

Hi Cathy, well isn't is silly to think that the reason you were not using the Kmr is because of money and now you lost a little kitten because of that?? I don't think the vet should be making those decisions for you without giving you all the information and letting you decide for yourself!
I find the cans range anywhere between $6-8 depending on the mark up and it is a small price to pay to have success !! It would be nice if you could give the leftover from the can to someone with a nursing mom as the mom cats can eat that leftover milk no problem.. It is just not good for newborns as they have such sensitive tummies... as you already know !
So, what is the little man doing now...hmmm//... Well this sounds like classic coccidia symptoms. This is more normal coccidia stool.. not what you were seeing before. Also this little boy has had terrible intestinal upset from changing from mom's milk, to goats milk and now to KMR.. that he may just be healing from that. I would recommend your mom put a little bit of unflavoured (no sugar or berries for titan!) yogurt into his KMR... about 1/4 teaspoon per feeding. And can you let me know how he is doing after a feeding with that?? If you can't get through the allexperts site (sometimes they limit how many times you can contact me) you can email me directly at my home email which is
If this doesn't work we may try something different... but yogurt is a nice safe start.
I will be anxiously awaiting some more good news about Titan !! The Fighter !!