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Cat eating too much?


I've attached a photo of my 1 1/2 year old cat chickpea. I'm not really sure if I should be feeding her less but she is quite pudgy and I want to make sure I am not under or over feeding her. She has a very small frame and small head- I think this is because she had a litter of kittens when she wasn't yet full grown and it stunted her growth.  She is now so chubby and has such large mid section and a small head. I'm concerned because she is still so young, I can't imagine what she will look like when she is 5 years old if she looks like this now! She is an indoor cat so doesn't get much exercise, but I am only feeding her 3 table spoons of wet food in the morning and 3 table spoons of wet food at night. Sometimes she gets dry food and if that's the case I will feed her 1/2 a cup in the morning and 1/2 a cup at night of dry. Do you think this is a good amount? Too much or too little? Your help is greatly appreciated.


There are many things to take into consideration when feeding your cat.

You also need to know that the food you are feeding is the right one for your cat. there foods designed for active cats, elderly cats, fats cats etc So it may be worth checking that the food your feed is right for your cat.

Please see my page about healthy cat weight here for more advice

also check out my cat food pages which describes many of the differences between wet and dry food etc.

best wishes Kate