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My adopted stray saw the vet 3 weeks ago, for Rabies vaccine and he estimated 3 weeks till delivery.  Yesterday she passed a "sack" that was fluid filled.  She did have a little bloody show.  This morning she ate very well and did not seem to be in labor.  Is this normal???


I am not a vet, but I wonder about giving a Rabies vaccine 3 weeks from kitten delivery. It is not common but does happen that if the female conceived a kitten after the bulk of the litter is conceived, this can happen. The cat uterus has 2 horns, so it is possible she passed the fluid sack out of the one horn and the kittens in the other horn is OK.  Sometimes the female will go a day or two between emptying one horn of the uterus and the other horn. I would keep an eye on her and see what happens in the next day or two.

One thing to know is she now indoors or still out of doors at this point?

By now, I would expect her to be going into labor.  Do you know all the signs?

If not, I can give you a quick information dump on what to expect.

Please let me know how she is doing.

Best regards... Norm.