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male and female cats living together


I have a 5 month old female kitten, i was wondering when at what age do they start to going into heat. She grawls at the other male cats that are all fixed. Why does she do this?


I have seen very precocious females go into heat at 4 1/2 months of age.  At 5 months, I would have her spayed.  I suspect she is growling because she may be coming into season and does not know how to deal with her newly raging hormones.  Some females when they season are sweet as sweet can be, whereas others seem to have severe cases of PMS.

Along with mood swings, there may be some pretty nasty behaviors associated with being in season, like peeing all over the house instead of in the litter pan!

I think it is time to have her spayed.  After which in a few weeks her hormones should dissipate and she should behave better towards your other cats.

Best regards... Norm.