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my 9 yr old cat


I live in mass, we lost power  friday night, now its monday and still no power, my cat is in the house but its cold i the house. will he be alright. I made a place on my bed with blankets kinda like an igloo so he could get in and curl up. he has been outside all night before in the winter, but i'm concerned because this has been3 consecutive days.. thanks for your page please answear me, thank you.. conserned mama...


My heart goes out to you!!!!!!!!!  It is a bummer to lose power.

Fortunately for cats, they have built in fur coats.  As long as he is out of the wind and wet, he should be OK.  Giving him some quality body warming time with you or others in your household would not be a bad idea, especially if the outage goes on much longer.  At age 9, he is getting up there, bbut not considered geriatric.

Please keep me posted.

Best regards... Norm.