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addition to my previous question?


Hi Ali, How are you?
I have a 2 year old Persian Cat, Possibly pregnant (not sure)for the last few days I noticed that she she is passing urine on the floor outside her litter box, I also noticed that she is not covering her feces in the litter box after finishing. nothing has changed at home, no other pets, what could possibly be wrong ???
She was seen by a vet, he examined her generally and expected no medical problems, he didn't recommend any test.
Please help because I'm really worried about her.
N.B. (The only new event is that I finally changed her food from Friskies Purina to two top brands; Evo and Organix which I'm happy she likes)
Many thanks.
(may I have your email?)


I really think that you should ask your vet either for an ultrasound or X-ray to confirm pregnancy. If your cat is pregnant she will need to eat a kitten food for the duration of her pregnancy and nursing as this will help to support the rapid growth of her babies. I also suggest that your vet do a urinanalysis to rule out bladder infection. Not covering her poop is also a little strange as cats are normally quite fastidious. Once your vet has performed the tests I recommend you will know if her odd behavior is medical or behavioral. Once we know that for sure you can contact me for further advice. I am willing to give my e-mail out only in a private answer, so if you want my direct e-mail, please contact me privately. I hope that this helps and we get to the bottom of the issue. It also may be a good idea to keep kitty inside, especially if she is expecting babies. If I can be of further help, please do not hesitate to contact me.