Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > panting



QUESTION: my cat has just had kittens about 6hours ago now she just keeps panting and her breathing is fast. is this normal? she never panted durning the birthing process.
ANSWER: Susan,

It sounds as if she is too hot. Is she some place where there is a source of heat set too high?  The area she should be in should be draft free and warm, but not hot.  Is she long haired or short haired?

Has she had anything to eat since the kittens were born?  If not, a jar of meat baby food (ingredients should be strained meat and broth and no other additives), would be a nice treat for her.  She will probably eat it off a spoon while nursing the kittens.

If she is in a spot where she should be comfortable and not hot (short hairs tolerate higher temperatures better than long hairs), then maybe she needs to visit the vet.  Even so, has she had an Oxytocin shot?  Has she had a long acting penicillin G shot?  If not, you may want to take her to the vet anyway.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thats norm she is doing better. i do have another question for you she keeps moving the kittens from place to place and doesnt seem to spend time with them and she seems to want extra attention from me should i be concerned that she is not feeding them. everytime i am around she is not with them she is around me.


You will be able to tell if the kittens are not getting enough to eat, they will yowl constantly.  You can also weigh the kittens on a digital scales to make sure they are gaining weight.  After a week, they should have doubled their size.

You need to make sure she has a spot where she is comfortable with the kittens, out of drafts, away from any other pets and young children.  We like to use a "jumbo" cardboard storage box (10" X 16" X 26") with old sheeting or toweling for bedding and with a towel over half of it so it appears to be a den.  We then restrict access to only one room, where there are no distractions (including people).  Normally, the queen will settle down and tend to the kittens.  If she continually wants to move them, you might cage her away from the kittens for a couple of hours.  Once she is released, she will be so happy to get back to the kittens, she will forget about moving them.

As long as the kittens are kept warm and are getting enough to eat to be quiet, mamma is doing OK.

Best regards... Norm.