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Tooth problems/bad breath


I have an 8 year old orange tabby, named Jake- that I got at the APL 6 years ago. I have had several cats over the past 20 years. Typically, I have not noticed bad breath with any of them. Unfortunately, Jake's breath is, and has always been a hot mess. Today while looking at him I noticed a mass growing on his lower canine (fang). I opened up his mouth, which he allowed me to do. It is brownish in color and grows from the root line up the tooth. It looked as though I could flick it off with my nail. I did touch it with my nail. Again, he didn't try to run. He eats regularly and again seems to be in no pain. This skin flap seems to be a new occurrence. When he is bathing, it seems that any hair he would normally swallow gets caught now on this flap and he smacks his lips trying to dislodge the hair from this flap. I looked on-line for pictures, but everything I have found is nothing like what is happening to Jake. Does anyone know what it is that I am talking about? The size of this flap is approximately 7mm in length and 4mm in width.


I am not a vet, but, if it were my cat, I would have a vet look at that mouth.  Whatever is going on does not sound normal to me. I cannot say I have run into anything like the flap you are describing.

Cats can put up with much discomfort, so even though he is eating normally, it does not mean that his mouth does not hurt.

Sorry, I could not be of any more help, but, I do think Jake should see a vet immediately.

Best regards... Norm.